Kuliah ProDi S3 IKM UNS (PromKes 2019)

8 November 2019

  1. Baca dengan seksama makalah berikut. Menurut saudara apakah kesimpulan yang dibuat penulis2nya valid? Berikan alasannya.

Gorini, G., Carreras, G., Giordano, L., Anghinoni, E., Iossa, A., Coppo, A., … & Chellini, E. (2012). The Pap smear screening as an occasion for smoking cessation and physical activity counselling: effectiveness of the SPRINT randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health12(1), 740. Gorini-smoking cessation

2. Cari makalah PE yang akan saudara gunakan untuk SR lanjutan.


1 November 2019


Gläser, J., & Laudel, G. (2013, March). Life with and without coding: Two methods for early-stage data analysis in qualitative research aiming at causal explanations. In Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research (Vol. 14, No. 2). Glser_2013_Lifewithandwithoutcoding

18 Oktober 2019


Applying theory driven approaches


11 Oktober 2019

Theories and Models Frequently Used in Health Promotion – US Department of Health and Human Services

Health Promot. Int.-2005-Jackson-367-74

Penyusunan proposal disertasi promkes